18 Passenger Hummer Limo

Hummer Limo
Hummer Limo Interior
  • Make: Hummer
  • Model: Limousine
  • Passengers: 18
  • Leather: Yes
  • Luggage Space: Yes

Vehicle Details:

A2Z Limos boasts a premium fleet of state-of-the-art H2 Hummer Limousines in the Dallas Fort Worth area. The H2 Hummer is the epitome of exotic limousines, reserved for those occasions when only the extraordinary will suffice. Prepare to captivate onlookers and be the focal point of attention as you step out in this exceptional Hummer limo. This tandem Hummer not only ensures a safe journey to and from your destination but also enhances your persona, signifying that you merit VIP treatment.

Equipped with a fully complimentary and cutting-edge entertainment system, featuring multiple flat-panel TV screens and a DVD player, the experience begins long before you arrive at your destination. Immerse yourself in a world of entertainment and kick-start the celebration even before reaching your desired location.

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